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1/16 1/35 1/48 1/72 54 mm Alpine Miniatures Aoshima Austin Tilly Brummbär Crusader Mk III Dingo Dragon Euromodelismo German Cool Officer Hobbyboss Hornet Hornet's Head Hungarian Panzer Officer Introspectivas Italeri Jagdtiger Marder III M Mesa de Trabajo Miniart Model Military International Panther Ausf.G Panzer 38(t) Panzer III Ausf. N Promo Scale Model Fan Schwimmwagen Scratchbuild Simca 5 Sword T-34/76 Tamiya The Body Toldi Total War Miniatures Trumpeter Type 73 Verlinden Productions Warriors Zero Zrinyi
Categoría: WWII
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Hungarian Light Tank 38M Toldi I(A20)
No Parking!
«No Parking», Clinic Modelista 2015 Vignette, Base Finished
Tamiya News: Somua S35, 1/35 scale
Daimler Dingo, Paint Finished!
Daimler Dingo, Weathering in Progress
Tamiya News: Panzer 38(t) 1/48 scale
Daimler Dingo, Ready for the Weathering.
Daimler Dingo, Build and Paint starts
I’m working in this little Tamiya jewel, the build runs quickly, I did it with Carlos Alba, this model will be for scene to raffle in the Almeria Modelismo Clinic in February.
For the painting, I use the Vallejo’s primer and it «Bronze Green» set:
For the ilumination, I used the paint very contrasted, for an easy understanding, I airbrushed an easy tip, for explain the process:
- I start with the primer color, (it’s very dark color).
- For the shadows, mix 018 Camuflage Black to 250 Bronze Green, applied to the lower parts of the model.
- This mid tone, 250 Bronze Green + 252 , I aplly it in upper vertical and sloping sides of the Vehicle
- The Highlights, anterior color with 225 Light Green, in the upper horizontal panels.
- The last light, it’s aplied like small clouds in the horizontal plates.
The idea is to do a natural zenithal light, to enhance the volumes, to obtain a realistic results.
Carlos Alba, paint his Dingo, with me, here his pictures.