Scale: 1/72.
Kit: Tamiya Zero kit.
Comments: Model Oob, only was added the seatbelts by Eduard PE.
Location: Lt. Fusata Iida Airplane, Soryu Carrier, Pearl Harbor Attack.
Release Date: 2014.
Very nice and differente model, builded by Victor Martinez, and in painting by me. There is the preshading and the first RLM76 paint layers in the lower airplane parts.
Bonito y diferente modelo, montado por Victor Martinez, y pintado por me. Aqui está, con el presombreado y las primeras capas de RLM76 en la parte inferior del avión.
Already the Mark I is ready to paint, a very nice and pleasant building work, the tracks will need attention to hide little imperfections. Do you know any 1/72 WWI british figures?
Ya está el Mark I listo para pintar, un secillo y placentero trabajo de montaje, las cadenas necesitarán algo de atención para disimular pequeñas imperfecciones. ¿Alguien conoce alguna figurs de ingleses de la 1ª G.M.?