No hay comentarios Renault FT-75, Scracht 1/35, Build Work and Airbrush Paint Base Por Joaquin Gª Gazquez 2014/03/30 2014/03/30 AFV Models, France, Workbench, WW I + 1920s and 1930s Model builded by Pepe Pinos «Motriles», and painted by me, original and different subject. I hope you like it. Modelo construido por Pepe Pinos «Motriles», y pintado por mi, sujeto original y difirente. Espero os guste.
No hay comentarios AMR-35. Por Joaquin Gª Gazquez 2011/07/12 2011/07/12 AFV Models, France, Gallery, WWII Scale: 1/48. Kit: Gaso.Line. Comments: Location: Autumn 1940. Release Date: 2010.
No hay comentarios French Officer 1939-40. Por Joaquin Gª Gazquez 2011/07/10 2011/07/10 Figures, France, Gallery, WWII Scale: 1/48. Kit: Gaso.Line. Comments: Location: Autumn 1940. Release Date: 2010.
No hay comentarios Fusilier Motocycliste de GRDI, mai-juin 1940 Por Joaquin Gª Gazquez 2011/06/05 2011/06/05 Figures, France, Workbench, WWII Ready for the paint demo, next week in Saumur.
No hay comentarios Hotchkiss H 39. Por Joaquin Gª Gazquez 2011/05/31 2011/05/31 AFV Models, France, Gallery, WWII Scale: 1/35. Kit: Bronco. Comments: Eduard Photoetched, Modelkasten Tracks. Location: Summer 1940. Release Date: 2009.
No hay comentarios ¡Adelante La Nueve! Por Joaquin Gª Gazquez 2011/03/30 2011/03/30 AFV Models, Classics, Figures, France, Gallery, Scenes, WWII Scale: 1/35. Kit: Tamiya, Italeri y Verlinden. Comments: Several accesories. Location: Paris, Summer 1944. Release Date: 2004.
No hay comentarios Dodge Command Car WC-57 1942 – ¾ T Por Joaquin Gª Gazquez 2011/03/30 2011/03/30 AFV Models, Classics, France, Gallery, WWII Scale: 1/35. Kit: Italeri. Comments: Enhanced with basic materials. Location: Paris Liberation, August 1944. Release Date: 2004.
Un comentario M3 Halftrack «Guadalajara Nº2». Por Joaquin Gª Gazquez 2011/03/27 2011/03/27 AFV Models, Classics, France, Gallery Scale: 1/35. Kit: Tamiya. Comments: Eduard Photoetched, The Tank Workshop road wheels. Location: Paris Liberation, August 1944. Release Date: 2004.
Un comentario Tracteur Chenillete UE Avec remorque et canon Hochtkiss 25 mm. Automne du 1939. Por Joaquin Gª Gazquez 2011/03/26 2020/08/31 AFV Models, Classics, France, Gallery, Scenes Scale: 1/35. Kit: Tamiya. Comments: Blast Models Update resin kit, Redux Gun, Steel Masters suscription figure and Nemrod driver. Location: Drôle de Guerre, Automne du 1939. Release Date: 2008.