I just finished to build the KV-II chassis, now is time for the BIG TURRET.
Acabo de terminar de montar el chasis del KV-II, ahora le toca a la «GRAN TORRETA».
I hope you like it.
Espero os guste.
This is my latest work finished, it’s a Tank figure enhanced with a Hornet head, it will took part in a vignette I’m working on it now. It was painted with mix techniques, airbrush, brush with the retouches and the small parts. I hope you like it.
Aquí está mi último trabajo terminado, es una figura de Tank, mejorada con una cabeza de Hornet, formará parte de una viñeta en la que estoy trabajando ahora. Está pintada con tecnicas mixtas, aerografo y pincel para retoques y los elementos más pequeños. Espero os guste.
Interesting new from Ace, this 1/48 vehicle, It’s ideal to accompany any WWII soviet fighter to do a nice scene, I wait attempt to obtain soon a kit. More info in this link.
Interesante novedad de Ace, este vehículo a 1/48, es ideal para acompañar a cualquier caza soviético de la 2ªGM, para hacer una agradable escena, esperaré atento para hacerme con un kit. Más info en este link.
Hi all,
I just finished the build work, now is ready to start to paint, I add the tools with differentes pieces of varios kits, and Evergreen rod.
In the bottom hull I simulate earth and mud stuck, later I will paint it, the rest of details are easy to see in the pictures, summarizing an easy and fun to build kit, highly recommended.