M-706 Commando Armored Car, Airbrush Paint Work

I start to paint the M-706, logically I start with the airbrush work, I used the excellent Vallejo Model Air’s colors, I did a color select for an optimal results. 1/ First coat is the Primer color, US Olive Drab Primer #608 2/ I obtain the base color mixing Model Air Olive Drab #043 with Bright #254 Brillo, ratio 5:2 3/ First lights ara doing adding more Bright #254, to the previous color, I apply it in the upper surfaces,… Continua Leyendo

BA-64B, Paint process (1), Tamiya 1/48

The model was worked, with Vallejo’s Washes, with light shades to add tones to enrich the base color and to enhace the details, for the wheels I apply some earth acrylic washes. La maqueta se ha trabajado con Washes de Vallejo, con ligeras capas para añadir tonos para enriquecer el color base y perfilar los detalles, para las ruedas apliqué algunos lavados acrílicos de color tierra. Continua Leyendo

BA-64B, Tamiya 1/48

I will do this model absolutely OOB, and when I say absolutely it’s absolutely I don’t enhance no part or pieces, I only build the model with the box content, it don’t need nor putty. Only I fill in the rear to little joints with cyano and sand it once dry, an this is all for the build: Esta maqueta voy a hacerla absolutamente de caja, y cuando digo absolutamente, es absolutamente…  No le he hecho nada extra, ni he… Continua Leyendo

M-706 Commando Armored Car, Hobbyboss 1/35

Hi my Friends, When I start to build this model, I think it will be an easy project, to enjoy the modelling before another one projects most difficult. I’m wrong, this model is correct in the general shapes, but the plates cannot present the correct finishing with a little «cantliver», and I imitate it with Evergreen, besides the detail is poor, incorrect, etc, etc, . I must to enhance all the model with more Evergreen, copper wire and more home-cocked… Continua Leyendo