The Weathering Magazine nº6

In this The Weathering Magazine issue, I was published the Su-152 article, the article has step by step build and paint process. 6 pages, english and spanish language, in two different editions. En este número de The Weathering Magazine, he publicado el artículo del Su-152, el articulo tiene procesos de construcción y pintura paso a paso. 6 páginas, idiomas español e ingles, en dos diferentes ediciones. Continua Leyendo

Leganés 2014

This weekend took place the 4th Modelling Contest Ciudad de Leganés, it was placed in the «Pabellón Europa», Leganés, Madrid, organised by the Asociation Model 34. Este fin de semana, ha tenido lugar el 4º Concurso de Modelismo Ciudad de Leganés, en el Pabellon Europa, de esta localidad madrileña, y organizado por la Asociación Model 34. The space was prepared, it has a wide space, for the models and a zone for shops and material related to the hobby. El… Continua Leyendo

Steel Masters, Le Thematique, nº 24

In the last Steel Masters Le Thematique magazine, I was published the M-706 «Commando» article, the article describes step by step the build and paint process. 6 pages, french language. En el último Steel Masters Le Thematique, he publicado el artículo del M-706 «Commando», el artículo describe paso a paso, los procesos de construcción y pintura. 6 páginas, idioma francés. Continua Leyendo

Leganés 2014

Next month will be place the IV Modelling Contest «Ciudad de Leganés», in Madrid, Spain. I was invited by the Organisation to give a talk about the Jagdtiger build and paint process, this is a proud for me to share with modeller as Miguel Jimenez «Mig», Javier Lopez de Anca and Daniel Zamarbide the speaker’s cartel. Thanks to Model 34 Asociation to count with me. El próximo mes tendrá lugar el IV Concurso de Modelismo Estático Ciudad de Leganés. He… Continua Leyendo

Morrissey allways be right

A song to think about

We hate it when our friends become successful,
We hate it when our friends become successful.
Oh, look at those clothes,
Now look at that face it’s so old,
And such a video,
Well, it’s really laughable,
Ah hahahaha etc.
We hate it when our friends become successful,
And if they’re northern
That makes it even worse and
If we can destroy them
You bet your life we will destroy them.
If we can hurt them, well,
We may well.
It’s really laughable,
Ah hahahaha etc.
You see, it should have been me.
It could have been me.
Everybody knows, everybody says so.
They say, «Oh, you have loads of songs,
So many songs,
More songs than they can stand —
Verse, chorus, middle eighth break»
Just listen,
«La la la etc.»

Poor Devils…