#modelling_expands #gazquezbooks
I present you the bust that I am «perpetrating» right now, it is the reference of Arcabuz «Miliciano – 1937» to 1/16, this scale is very suitable for busts, because it presents the adequate detail to work well the faces, and it does not have an excessive size that ends up being an exhausting task for us.
Arcabuz’s miniature is modeled with 3D technology, digitally printed and then copied in resin.
I can say that I found it very good, although I noticed some line of the print, what I least liked is that the head comes attached to the body, this for me is not minor, as it makes it significantly difficult to paint with airbrush, be able to separate the head, and work it apart, we avoid complicated masked, but as I say, it is a matter of liking and personal organization of work, otherwise I think a great figure and I recommend you.
Let’s go to work, after a quick preparation, cover some tiny pore resin I primed in black with Vallejo’s «Primer Black», leaving it ready to start the work of airbrush:
Next with «Primer Grey» also by Vallejo, I gave it some lights to obtain a grisaille, which allows it to appreciate the volumes of the sculpture:
The obtained grisaille, will facilitate to appreciate the zones of lights and shades, and by transparency it will help us in the first layers of color.
The next step is to work the flesh tones of the face with airbrush, I have used acrylic artistic Golden «Heavy Body», which give a finish and a warmth to the carnations, for me, insurpassable, as I tell you, do not worry they airbrush to perfection.
I prepare the base color with Naples Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Orange and a bit of Titanium White.
The grisaille applied, facilitates to obtain the first lights by the transparency that are obtained applying the acrylic in thin diluted layers.
Lightening the base color with Yellow Napoles and Titanium White, the lights are obtained, in applications with airbrush and the very diluted painting.
For shading, the paint is projected from below in very soft passes, darkening the base color with Burnt Umber, Alizarin Crimson and a little Ultramarine Blue for the last shadows, finishing the process with airbrush.
I put the helmet on to see how it acts on the face and to see how the process runs:
It’s time for the brushes, the first thing I do is to paint the eyes, profiling them, painting the last lights and shadows then, the mixtures used are those explained above, but clarified and / or darkened.
After working the lights and shadows, I make the effect of beard, darkening the base flesh with Viridian Green and Black, applied by means of soft glazes, I also paint lips and eyebrows.
In a parallel way, I apply great quantity of glazes to work the middle tones, with Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red and Natural Siena.
To finish for the moment, I apply the base color on the shirt and helmet to see the face framed as a whole, and appreciate some retouching to do, especially in the eyebrows that do not convince me much, and I have to work more.
Next you can see how the bust has been after two afternoons of painting that have turned out to be very productive.
I hope you didn’t think it was «large volume», and you liked the result of what has been done so far, soon I hope to be able to put more progress.
Without further ado, I wish you ALL a Merry Christmas.
Best Regards.