“It is a good book for every modeller. With respect for Sheperd Paine, this book will give theoretical hints, when we took the suffering diorama production”. Subidón que te comparen con Mr. Shepperd Paine!
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“It is a good book for every modeller. With respect for Sheperd Paine, this book will give theoretical hints, when we took the suffering diorama production”. Subidón que te comparen con Mr. Shepperd Paine!
Already there is new project to 1/35 in my workbench, it’s the superb Tamiya’s Brummbär, to detail it I’ll use the Eduard PE, wishing to finish the assembly shortly and start to paint. More progress coming soon
Ya hay nuevo proyecto a 1/35 en mi mesa de trabajo, se trata del magnífico Brummbär de Tamiya, para detallarlo usare el FG de Eduard, deseando de termienar el montaje y ponerme a pintar, que ya toca. Pronto más avances.